Monday, September 11, 2006

A Short Post.

I was recently reading a story posted by someone I know. A bit of background included to set the scene threw me for a loop, because I didn't expect to read something quite like that in such a setting. Very jarring.

In other news, my lesson in Elders' Quorum on Sunday was awesome. Not sure why, but I was asked to do a Teachings of our Times lesson, which is usually reserved for fourth weeks. That was okay, though, because I got to use talks by Elder Hinckley and Elder Holland from last conference. If you don't remember these talks, go read them. Hopefully, you'll come away with a better understanding of what repentance is. (Hint: it's not just about being sorry for the bad things you've done and not doing them any more.) I try to post about unimportant things, though, so I won't go into too much detail. Just go read the talks and figure it out.

Next time, on The Franchise: "Why people commit sexual sins."

(And no, I'm not kidding. That's really what I'm working on writing. I apologize in advance for once again talking about important things.)


At 11:50 AM, September 14, 2006, Blogger erin said...

Sorry. :(

At 5:08 PM, September 18, 2006, Blogger Th. said...


I'm ashamed it's taken me this long to notice you have a blog.

Is it any good?

At 1:10 PM, September 20, 2006, Blogger Lavish said...

You blog?

Well that's nice to know. Even if I am... oh, three months late.

At 4:23 PM, September 21, 2006, Blogger JB said...

Some people commit "sexual sins" because they don't consider them to be sin. And some don't feel wrong about them. Even though the sinner has been raised LDS and was taught differently. I've talked to a few people in this situation and that seems to be what I've come up with, anyway.


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